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One Minute for December 2020 - What Are You Waiting For?

At this time of Advent, we focus on waiting. Waiting and preparing for the Christ child. We also prepare ourselves for Christ’s return. Now we find ourselves in a stressful time of waiting for the end of this pandemic….waiting for vaccines, waiting for when we can visit family and friends again.

My wife wrote a poem about waiting. I offer it to you to ponder.

Wait A verb - to delay, an action most do not want to do.

It means to be where you are and stay.

The reward at the end helps the process, if not too long,

But often we choose to leave the line and move along.

Who would imagine that the line to normalcy would be so long and so risky?

We struggle with this monstrous wait to be as before, to be free again,

To be with our family and friends.

Do we risk our own health, the health of others, to walk in a store or hug our mothers?

Each moment is filled with monumental decisions,

Will our choices be wise or cause divisions?

The stress is so weary oh body and mind,

The power of this virus is undefined.

We have no choice but to wait for vaccines and a cure,

But oh, how much longer can we endure?

We must reach deep down, stay strong,

Find goodness and beauty in each poem and song.

Waiting is now our state of being.

Do it with courage, hope and believing.

Stay on the journey, be brave

And to God let us pray.

(written by Meg Rehrer)

Waiting has always been a Biblical theme. In the Exodus story we hear how long the Israelites had to wait to leave the wilderness. Throughout the Scriptures there are those who ask how long will it be before we get rain. More important is the waiting for the Messiah to come. Paul speaks to our longing and waiting for the Lord to return. A common prayer to God was “how long, oh Lord, how long?”

This is more than a time to wait. We need to be active. We need to stay connected with people via phone or zoom or other forms of social media. We need to encourage others with the Word of God.

We can find ways to help the hungry and the poor (See James 2:14-17).

Practice Christian charity especially in this time of need.

Lift high the cross…and proclaim Christ’s kingdom.


(One Minute is written by Pastor Ron Rehrer, Counselor for Church Workers of the PSD. Contact Ron at phone 949.433.5182 or e-mail him at



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