What is the Loan Repayment Grant?
The Loan Repayment Grant is a program for newly graduated church workers in the first three years of your first call serving at a congregation or school in the Pacific Southwest District (PSD). The goal of this grant is:

God be glorified.
Our church workers will experience a sense of appreciation and fulfillment in the ministry among us.
Young people will be encourages to consider opportunities for full-time service in the church.
Professional church workers are God's gift to the church. Pastors, teachers, DCEs, DPMs, DCOs, deaconesses and others who share in the church's ministry are to "prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of christ may be built up..." (Ephesisans 4:11)
The funds for this grant are made possible because of the Harvest Endowment and the Church Worker Loan Repayment Fund. Individuals and congregations that wish to support future church workers through this grant may donate to either fund through the district office. Please list the particular fund you are donating to in the memo line.
Click here for more information about this great opportunity. The application can be dowloaded here.